Die stärkende Kraft der Liebe und die Heiligkeit des Lebens.

"Es gibt eine ganz spezielle Vitalität, eine Lebenskraft, eine Beschleunigung, eine Gabe, die durch dich in die Welt gebracht wird, dieser - dein Ausdruck ist einzigartig, und wenn du ihn blockierst, wird er niemals durch irgendein anderes Medium existieren, sondern verloren sein. Die Welt wird ihn nicht haben. Es ist nicht Deine Aufgabe zu bestimmen, wie gut es ist oder wie er im Vergleich zu anderen ist. Es liegt in Deiner Hand, es klar und direkt als deins anzuerkennen, und den Kanal offen zu halten. Du musst nicht einmal an dich selbst oder an Deine Arbeit glauben. 

Du musst offen bleiben und dich der Antriebe bewusst sein, die Dich motivieren. Halte den Kanal offen. Kein Künstler ist zufrieden. Es gibt zu keiner Zeit irgendeine Befriedigung. Es gibt eine seltsame, göttliche Unzufriedenheit, eine selige Unruhe, die uns in Bewegung hält und uns lebendiger macht als die anderen. "

Martha Graham

In einem Samen ist all unser menschliches Potential, in einem Samen ist der Beginn eines neuen Lebens, das sich öffnen wird und Lebendigkeit in vitalen Wegen entwickeln wird.


This vital channel is in our bodies. According to our experiences life finds ways through vital circuits in our bodies where the sap of life finds ways of healthy human expression.

We are the seed of life and the garden is our home of love, we co-habit the living wood.
In one human seed is a tree of life.
In one human seed is a wood of life.    
In one seed lives the life of the planet.
In one seed is, the universal memory, and is LOVE, which I propose to nourish and help life to find the happiest way to be and to create peace on planet life.

Our generation wants to become the change, the shift of consciousness, a new intelligence that advances towards improvement of life, towards a healthy, wellness, happiness and world peace making.

Vital Development® is a vital and therapeutic experience of profound transformational power. “A new initiation to a new world we all deserve to live in that requests peace, freedom, within happiness and health of daily life. It is a time of conquest; it is a time to be what you are meant to be....VITAL.”
Patricia Martello

Vital Development® - VitalDanza® by Patricia Martello & Marcelo Di Matteo brings new objectives, upgraded techniques and a wide educational net of support which are original and unique. This is based on an appropriate and well founded incorporation of elements from Feldenkrais Method – Awareness in Motion; Shamanic Dances of Afro-Brazilian, West Canadian and South Pacific origin; Psycomagic Method by Alejandro Jodorovski; and Sacred Psychology by Jane Houston.

The whole in itself appears as a new Movement-Educational-Therapy proposal with an original input and substance. In this way, this experimental Method gives light to a new technical context and amplifies the horizon of other known body systems. The appropriate and subtle blend of movements and music allows the participants into a vital and therapeutic experience of profound empowering transformation.

Another element within the roots of the Vital Development® method developed by Patricia Martello is the amplification of the concept of love: from Love/Eros to the Greek tradition of Love/Agape. Within this same line and from the biological point of view, this is also supported by the Theory of the Three Brains: reptile brain, mammal brain and human brain mentioned by Claudio Naranjo.

Finally, it is common to find in Vital Development® workshops the intelligent, progressive and appropriate incorporation of movements of Tantra, Meditation, Family Constellations, 5 rhytms, biodanza and NLP, among other systems and methods.

We can say that Vital Development® is a more contemporary, balanced and dynamic version in the outlook of body-movement systems. This has been achieved through the implementation of around 500 new exercises and dances, the majority of them challenging, extraordinary and transformational creations of Patricia Martello & Marcelo Di Matteo.

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